About Hannibal Dental Group
Quality Dental Care in Hannibal, MO
At Hannibal Dental Group (HDG), we’ve been providing friendly, full-service family dentistry to patients of all ages and with all kinds of unique needs since 1962. In all that time, we’ve helped more than 20,000 people achieve healthier, happier smiles — so many, in fact, that we simply call them Hannibal Smiles. For us, nothing is more important than your dental care.
But it’s not just our experience that counts; it’s yours, too. That’s why we work so hard to make your experience at Hannibal Dental Group the most positive dental visit you’ll ever have.
We work hard to ensure short waits and always take the time to answer your questions and educate you about your dental health. And with five dentists on staff, we can accommodate dental emergencies immediately.
Dentistry for Children
We also provide certain extras that are truly unique to dentistry, like a playroom for kids and open procedure areas so parents can observe, keep their child comfortable, and get direct feedback from the doctors and staff.
To make it easy for anybody to get their very own Hannibal Smile, we offer plenty of easy-access parking, patient-friendly appointments, and affordable care options.
In-House Dental Savings Plan
If you don’t have insurance, we offer our own in-house dental savings plan called Quality Dental Plan. Be sure and ask us how you can get affordable dental care through this plan. We can even create a customized payment plan just for you.
Also, we accept most insurance plans and file claims for you. We always welcome Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and CareCredit®.
Find out how we keep generations of patients in Hannibal, Missouri, smiling. To request an appointment, call (573) 221-1227. You can also request an appointment now.